University of Essex埃塞克斯大学是英国一所久负盛名的研究型大学,著名1994大学集团成员之一,世界一流大学,于1964年建校,具有极高的学术研究声誉。
学生在埃塞克斯大学国际学院(University of Essex International College)就读预科课程,完成课程后衔接埃塞克斯大学学位课程。
埃塞克斯大学拥有来自全球140多个国家,超过13,000名的在 校学生,这种多元化的氛围造就了埃塞克斯大学朝气蓬勃的 学术氛围,学生可以深入了解并学习英国当地以及世界各国 的文化,这对于学生适应全球化趋势日益加速的国际环境尤 为重要。
埃塞克斯大学在2017年教学卓越框架(TEF)中获得金奖殊荣,英 格兰地区整体学生满意度前15位 (NSS 2017,主流大学),同时, 科研实力全英排名20强 (REF 2014)。 大学的学生来自全球超过140个国家的学生,其中有三分之一是 国际学生。埃塞克斯大学被评为伦敦之外全英最具国际化的主 流大学 (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018 )。
埃塞克斯大学建于1965年,是一所教学科研水平非常出色的 英国公立大学。大学在2014年英国政府官方的学术研究评估 报告(REF)中全英排名前20,2017年英格兰地区主流大学整体 学生满意度评比中排名前15位。学校拥有出色的社会科学类 专业,比如心理学、经济学、社会学、教育学和商科。其计算机 与电子工程学院在英国首创电子商务课程。此外,埃塞克斯大 学在机械研发领域表现卓越,机器人实验室更提供新型智能 机器人设计,研发和制造工作,并获得了英国工程与物理学研 究理事会提供的巨额投资资助。
• 风景如画的科尔切斯特校区——校园位于英国最古老的小 镇也是英国史上第一个首都Colchester,校区内提供广泛 的设施和支持服务。
• 充满活力与生机的绍森德校区——位于生机勃勃的现代化 海边小镇,欧洲最大的创意革新中心Thames Gateway就 坐落于此。本校区提供顶级专家资源和设施。
• 在劳顿校区的East 15表演学院学习——拥有50年历史的学 院,为学生们提供最优秀的导演、教授、导师和资源支持。
• 全英大学排名第22位(Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018)
• 国际化视野全英排名第2;全球排名第19 (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018)
• 学生满意度在英格兰地区排名前15(National Student Survey 2017)
• 学术实力全英排名前20(Research Excellence Framework 2014)
• 学生服务和设施投资全英排名第4 (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018) • 在教学和学习领域获得最高奖金奖荣誉(Teaching Excellence Framework 2017)
• 全英大学排名第22位(Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018)
• 国际化视野全英排名第2;全球排名第19 (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018)
• 学生满意度在英格兰地区排名前15(National Student Survey 2017)
• 学术实力全英排名前20(Research Excellence Framework 2014)
• 学生服务和设施投资全英排名第4 (Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018)
• 在教学和学习领域获得最高奖金奖荣誉(Teaching Excellence Framework 2017)
• 三位诺贝尔奖得主 Christopher A. Pissarides 诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Óscar Arias Sanchez 哥斯达黎加总统,诺贝尔和平奖得主 Derek Walcott 诺贝尔文学奖得主
• John Simon Bercow 现任英国下议院议长
• David Yates 英国著名导演(曾执导过哈利•波特电影)
Humanities Pathway 人文学科方向本科预科课程
BA (Hons) History 历史
BA (Hons) History (Including Year Abroad) 历史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) History and Criminology 历史与犯罪学
BA (Hons) History and Criminology (Including Year Abroad) 历史与犯罪学 (一年在海外)
BA (Hons) History and Literature 历史与文学
BA (Hons) History and Literature (Including Year Abroad) 历史与文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) History and Sociology 历史与社会学
BA (Hons) History and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) 历史与社会学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) History with Film Studies 历史与电影研究
BA (Hons) History with Film Studies (Including Year Abroad) 历史与电影研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) History with Human Rights 历史与人权
BA (Hons) History with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 历史与人权(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Modern History 近代史
BA (Hons) Modern History (Including Year Abroad)近代史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Modern History and International Relations 近代史与国际关系
BA (Hons) Modern History and International Relations (Including Year Abroad) 近代史与国际关系(一 年在海外)
BA (Hons) Modern History and Politics 近代史与政治
BA (Hons) Modern History and Politics (Including Year Abroad) 近代史与政治(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Creative Writing 创意写作
BA (Hons) Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) 创意写作(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Drama 戏剧学
BA (Hons) Drama (Including Year Abroad) 戏剧学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Drama and Literature 戏剧与文学
BA (Hons) Drama and Literature (Including Year Abroad) 戏剧与文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English and Comparative Literature 英语与比较文学
BA (Hons) English and Comparative Literature (Including Year Abroad) 英语与比较文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English and United States Literature 英美文学
BA (Hons) English and United States Literature (Including Year Abroad) 英美文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English Literature 英语文学
BA (Hons) English Literature (Including Year Abroad) 英语文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Film and Creative Writing 电影与创意写作
BA (Hons) Film and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) 电影与创意写作(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Film Studies 电影研究
BA (Hons) Film Studies (Including Year Abroad) 电影研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Film Studies and Literature 电影研究和文学
BA (Hons) Film Studies and Literature (Including Year Abroad) 电影研究和文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Criminology 新闻学与犯罪学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Criminology (Including Year Abroad) 新闻学与犯罪学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Economics 新闻与经济学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Economics (Including Year Abroad) 新闻学与经济学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and English Language 新闻学与英语语言
BA (Hons) Journalism and English Language (Including Year Abroad) 新闻学与英语语言(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Art History 艺术史
BA (Hons) Art History (Including Year Abroad)艺术史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Art History and History 艺术史和历史学
BA (Hons) Art History and History (Including Year Abroad) 艺术史和历史学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Art History and Modern Languages(Including Year Abroad) * 艺术史与现代语言学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Art History with Modern Languages(Including Year Abroad) * 艺术史与现代语言学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Curatorial Studies 策展研究
BA (Hons) Curatorial Studies (Including Year Abroad) 策展研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Film Studies and Art History 电影研究与艺术史 B
A (Hons) Film Studies and Art History (Including Year Abroad) 电影研究与艺术史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Liberal Arts 新闻与人文科学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad) 新闻学与文科学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Literature 新闻学与文科学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Literature (Including Year Abroad) 新闻与文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Modern Languages(Including Year Abroad)* 新闻与现代语言学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Philosophy 新闻与哲学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Philosophy (Including Year Abroad) 新闻与哲学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Politics 新闻与政治学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Politics (Including Year Abroad) 新闻与政治学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism and Sociology 新闻与社会学
BA (Hons) Journalism and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) 新闻与社会学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism with Business Management 新闻与商业管理
BA (Hons) Journalism with Business Management (Including Year Abroad) 新闻与商业管理(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Journalism with Human Rights 新闻与人权
BA (Hons) Journalism with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 新闻与人权(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Literature and Creative Writing 文学与创意写作
BA (Hons) Literature and Art History 文学与艺术史
BA (Hons) Literature and Art History (Including Year Abroad) 文学与艺术史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Literature and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) 文学与创意写作(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Literature and Sociology 文学与社会学
BA (Hons) Literature and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) 文学与社会学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy 哲学
BA (Hons) Philosophy (Including Year Abroad)哲学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Art History 哲学与艺术史
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Art History (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与艺术史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy and History 哲学与历史
BA (Hons) Philosophy and History (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与历史(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Law 哲学与法律
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Law (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与法律(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Literature 哲学与文学
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Literature (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Politics 哲学与政治
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Politics (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与政治(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Sociology 哲学与社会学
BA (Hons) Philosophy and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与社会学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy with Human Rights 哲学与人权
BA (Hons) Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 哲学与人权(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Religion and Ethics 哲学、宗教和伦理
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Religion and Ethics(Including Year Abroad) 哲学、宗教和伦理(一年在海外)
LLB Law 法律
LLB Law (Including Placement Year) 法律(一年实习)
LLB Law (Including Year Abroad) 法律(一年在海外)
LLB Law with Business 法律与商业
LLB Law with Business (Including Placement Year) 法律与商业(一年 实习)
LLB Law with Business (Including Year Abroad) 法律与商业(一年在海外)
LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology (including Year Abroad) 法学与犯罪学(一年在海外)
LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology (Including Placement Year) 法学与犯罪学(一年实习)
LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology 法学与犯罪学
LLB Law with Human Rights 法律 与人权
LLB Law with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) 法律与人权(一 年实习)
LLB Law with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 法律与人权(一年在海外)
LLB Law with Philosophy 法律与哲学
LLB Law with Philosophy (Including Placement Year) 法律与哲学(一年实习)
LLB Law with Philosophy (Including Year Abroad) 法律与哲学(一年在海外)
LLB Law with Politics 法律与政治
LLB Law with Politics (Including Placement Year) 法律与政治(一年实习)
LLB Law with Politics (Including Year Abroad) 法律与政治(一年在海外)
LLB Law with Finance 法律与金融
LLB Law with Finance (including Placement Year) 法律与金融(一年 实习)
LLB Law with Finance (including Year Abroad) 法律与金融(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) 美国研究(美国)
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) (Including Year Abroad) 美国研究(美 国)(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) with Film美国电影研究
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) with Film (Including Year Abroad) 美国电影研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Criminology and American Studies 犯罪学与美国研究
BA (Hons) Criminology and American Studies (Including Year Abroad) 犯罪 学与美国研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与现代语言(一年 在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with French (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与法语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with German (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与德语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with Italian (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与意大利语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with Politics (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与政治(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with Spanish (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与西班牙语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Global Studies 全球研究
BA (Hons) Global Studies (Including Year Abroad) 全球研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Global Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) 全球研究与现代语言(一年 在海外)
BA (Hons) Latin American Studies (Including Year Abroad) 拉丁美洲研究 (一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Latin American Studies with Business Management (Including Year Abroad) 拉丁美洲研究与商业 管理(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Latin American Studies with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 拉丁美洲研究与人权(一年 在海外)
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts 人文学
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad) 人文学(一年在海外)
Science and Health Pathway 科学与健康方向本科预科课程
BA (Hons) Psychology 心理学
BA (Hons) Psychology (Including Year Abroad) 心理学(一年在海外)
BEng (Hons) Communications Engineering 通信工程
BEng (Hons) Communications Engineering (Including Placement Year) 通信工程(一年实习)
BEng (Hons) Communications Engineering (Including Year Abroad) 通信工程(一年在海外)
BEng (Hons) Computer Networks 计算机网络
BEng (Hons) Computer Networks (Including Placement Year) 计算机网络(一年实习)
BEng (Hons) Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad) 计算机网络(一年在海外)
BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering 计算机系统工程
BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering (Including Placement Year) 计算机系统工程(一年实习)
BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad) 计算机系统工程(一年在海外)
BEng (Hons) Computers with Electronics 计算机与电子学
BEng (Hons) Computers with Electronics (Including Placement Year) 计算机与电子学(一年实习)
BEng (Hons) Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad) 计算机与电子学(一年在海外)
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering 电子工程学
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year) 电子工程学(一年实习)
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad) 电子工程学( 一年在海外)
BEng (Hons) Robotic Engineering 机器人工程学
BEng (Hons) Robotic Engineering (Including Placement Year) 机器人工 程学(一年实习)
BEng (Hons) Robotic Engineering (Including Year Abroad) 机器人工程学 (一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science 精算学
BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science (Including Placement Year) 精算学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science (Including Year Abroad) 精算学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Computer Games 电脑游戏
BSc (Hons) Computer Games (Including Placement Year) 电脑游戏(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Computer Games (Including Year Abroad) 电脑游戏(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science 计算机科学
Sc (Hons) Computer Science (Including Placement Year) 计算机科学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Including Year Abroad) 计算机科学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Analytics 数据科学与分析
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Analytics (Including Placement Year) 数据科 学与分析(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Analytics (Including Year Abroad) 数据科学 与分析(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Economics and Mathematics 经济学与数学
BSc (Hons) Economics and Mathematics (Including Placement Year) 经济学与数学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Economics and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) 经济学与数学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Finance and Mathematics 金融与数学
BSc (Hons) Finance and Mathematics (Including Placement Year) 金融与数 学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Finance and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) 金融与数学( 一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Information and Communication Technology 信息与通信技术
BSc (Hons) Information and Communication Technology (Including Placement Year) 信息与通信技术(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Information and Communication Technology (Including Year Abroad) 信息与通信技术(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics 数学
BSc (Hons) Mathematics (Including Placement Year) 数学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) 数学(一年在海外) BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics 数学与统计学 BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics (Including Placement Year) 数学与统计学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics (Including Year Abroad) 数学与统计学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Computing 数学与计算机
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Computing (Including Placement Year) 数学与计算机(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Computing (Including Year Abroad) 数学与计算机(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Physics 数学与物理学
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Physics (Including Placement Year) 数学与物理学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Physics (Including Year Abroad) 数学与物理学(一年在海外) BSc (Hons) Psychology 心理学
BSc (Hons) Psychology (Including Year Abroad) 心理学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience 心理学与认知神经科学
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Year Abroad) 心理学与认知神经科学(一 年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Economics (Including Year Abroad) 心理学与经济学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Economics 心理学与经济学
MEng Communications Engineering 通信工程
MEng Electronic Engineering 电子工程
MEng Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year) 电子工程(一年实习)
MSci (Hons) Computer Science 计算机科学
MSci (Hons) Computer Science (Including Placement Year) 计算机科学(一年实习)
Social Sciences Pathway 社会科学方向本科预科课程
BA (Hons) Business Management and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) *商业管理和现代语言( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Business Management with a Modern Language (Including Year Abroad)* 现代语言商业管理
BA (Hons) Business Economics 商务经济
BA (Hons) Business Economics (including Placement Year) 商务经济(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Business Economics (including Year Abroad) 商务经济( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Childhood Studies 幼儿研究
BA (Hons) Childhood Studies (Including Placement Year) 幼儿研究(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Childhood Studies (Including Year Abroad) 幼儿研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Communications and Digital Culture 沟通与数字文化
BA (Hons) Communications and Digital Culture (Including Placement Year) 沟通与数字文化( 一年实习)
BA (Hons) Communications and Digital Culture (Including Year Abroad) 沟通与数字文化(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Criminology 犯罪学
BA (Hons) Criminology (Including Placement Year) 犯罪学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Criminology (Including Year Abroad) 犯罪学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Social Psychology 犯罪学与社会心理学
BA (Hons) Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Placement Year) 犯罪学与社会心理学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad) 犯罪学与社会心理学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Counselling Skills 犯罪学与咨询技能
BA (Hons) Criminology with Counselling Skills (including Placement Year) 犯罪学与咨询技能(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Counselling Skills (including Year Abroad) 犯罪学与咨询技能(一年在 海外)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Criminal Law 犯罪学与刑法
BA (Hons) Criminology with Criminal Law (including Placement Year) 犯罪学与刑法(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Criminal Law (including Year Abroad) 犯罪学与刑法(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Economics 经济学
BA (Hons) Economics (Including Placement Year) 经济学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Economics (Including Year Abroad) 经济学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Economics and Politics 经济学与政治学
BA (Hons) Economics and Politics (Including Placement Year) 经济学与政治学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Economics and Politics (Including Year Abroad) 经济学与政 治学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Economics with a Modern Language (Including Year Abroad)* 经济学与现代语言(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Computing 经济学与计算
BSc (Hons) Economics with Computing (including Placement Year) 经济学与计算(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Computing (including Year Abroad) 经济学与计算(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English Language and Language Development 英语语言与语言发展
BA (Hons) English Language and Language Development (Including Placement Year)英语语言与语言发展 (一年实习)
BA (Hons) English Language and Language Development (Including Year Abroad)英语语言与语言发展(一 年在海外)
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics 英语语言与语言学
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics (Including Placement Year) 英语语言与语言学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics(Including Year Abroad) 英语语言与语言学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature 英语语言与文学
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature (Including Placement Year) 英语语言与文学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) English Language and Literature (Including Year Abroad) 英语语言与文学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English Language and Sociology 英语语言与社会学
BA (Hons) English Language and Sociology (Including Placement Year) 英语语言与社会学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) English Language and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) 英语语言与社会学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) English Language with Media Communication 英语与媒体传播
BA (Hons) English Language with Media Communication (including Placement Year) 英语与媒体传播
BA (Hons) English Language with Media Communication (including Year Abroad)英语与媒体传播(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Financial Economics 金融经济学
BA (Hons) Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) 金融经济学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) 金融经济学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Financial Economics and Accounting 金融经济学与会计学
BA (Hons) Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Placement Year) 金融经济学与会计学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Year Abroad) 金融经济学与会计学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Finance and Management 金融和管理
BSc (Hons) Finance and Management (including Placement Year) 金融和管理(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Finance and Management (including Year Abroad) 金融和管理(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) French Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)* 法语研究与现代语言(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) German Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)* 德语研究与现代语言(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) History and Economics 历史与经济学
BA (Hons) History and Economics (Including Placement Year) 历史与经济学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) History and Economics (Including Year Abroad) 历史与经济学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) International Economics 国际经济学
BA (Hons) International Economics (Including Placement Year) 国际经济学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) International Economics (Including Year Abroad) 国际经济学(一年在海外) B
A (Hons) International Relations 国际关系
BA (Hons) International Relations (Including Year Abroad) 国际关系( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) International Relations and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)* 国际关系与现代语言( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) International Development 国际发展
BA (Hons) International Development (including Placement Year) 国际发展(一年实习)
BA (Hons) International Development (including Year Abroad) 国际发展(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) International Relations (Including Placement Year) 国际关系(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Italian Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)* 意大利语研究与现代语言( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Language Studies* 语言研究
BA (Hons) Linguistics 语言学
BA (Hons) Linguistics (Including Placement Year) 语言学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Linguistics (Including Year Abroad)语言学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Management Economics 管理经济学
BA (Hons) Management Economics (Including Placement Year) 管理经济 学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) 管理经济学( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)* 现代语言( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages and English Language (Including Year Abroad)*现代语言与 英语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad)* 现代语言及语言学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons)Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Including Year Abroad)* 现代语言与对外英语教学(一年在 海外)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages with Latin American Studies (Including Year Abroad)*现代语言与拉丁美洲研究 (一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics 哲学、政治学和经济学
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Placement Year) 哲学、政治学和经济学(一年 实习)
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Year Abroad) 哲学、政治学和经济学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Political Economics 政治经济学
BA (Hons) Political Economics (Including Year Abroad) 政治经济学( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Political Theory and Public Policy 政治理论与公共政策
BA (Hons) Political Theory and Public Policy (Including Year Abroad)政治理论 与公共政策(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Politics 政治学
BA (Hons) Politics (Including Year Abroad) 政治学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations 政治与国际关系
BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations (Including Year Abroad)政治与国际关系(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Politics with Human Rights 政治与人权
BA (Hons) Politics with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) 政治与人权(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Politics with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 政治与人权(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Political Economics (Including Placement Year) 政治经济学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Political Theory and Public Policy (Including Placement Year) 政治理论与公共政策(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Politics (Including Placement Year) 政治学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Politics and International Relations (Including Placement Year) 政治与国际关系(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Psychoanalytic Studies 精神分析研究
BA (Hons) Psychoanalytic Studies (Including Placement Year) 精神分析研究(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Psychoanalytic Studies (Including Year Abroad) 精神分析研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Social Anthropology 社会人类学
BA (Hons) Social Anthropology (Including Placement Year) 社会人类学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Social Anthropology (Including Year Abroad) 社会人类学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Social Anthropology with Human Rights 社会人类学与人权
BA (Hons) Social Anthropology with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) 社会人类学与人权(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Social Anthropology with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 社会人类学与人权(一年在 海外) BA (Hons) Sociology 社会学 BA (Hons) Sociology (Including Placement Year) 社会学(一年实习)
A (Hons) Sociology (Including Year Abroad) 社会学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology 社会学与犯罪学
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology (Including Placement Year) 社会学与犯罪学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology (Including Year Abroad) 社会学与犯罪学 (一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Politics 社会学和政治学
BA (Hons) Sociology and Politics (Including Placement Year) 社会学和政治学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Politics (Including Year Abroad) 社会学和政 学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Applied Quantitative Research Methods 社会学与应用定量研究方法
BA (Hons) Sociology with Applied Quantitative Research Methods (Including Placement Year) 社会学与 应用定量研究方法(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Applied Quantitative Research Methods (Including Year Abroad) 社会学与应 用定量研究方法(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Human Rights 社会学与人权
BA (Hons) Sociology with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) 社会学与人权(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 社会学与人权(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Psychosocial Studies 社会学与社会 心理研究
BA (Hons) Sociology with Psychosocial Studies (Including Placement Year) 社会学与社会心理研 究(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Psychosocial Studies (Including Year Abroad) 社会学与社会心理研究(一 年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Social Psychology 社会学与社会心理学
BA (Hons) Sociology with Social Psychology (Including Placement Year) 社会学与社会心理学(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad) 社会学与社会心理学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Counselling Skills 社会学与辅导技巧
BA (Hons) Sociology with Counselling Skills (including Placement Year) 社会学与辅导技巧( 一年实习)
BA (Hons) Sociology with Counselling Skills (including Year Abroad) 社会学与辅导技巧(一年在 海外)
BA (Hons) Spanish Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)* 西班牙语研究与现代语言( 一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (Including Year Abroad)* 西班牙语、葡萄牙语与巴西语研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Teaching English as a Foreign Language 对外英语教学
BA (Hons) Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Including Placement Year) 对外英语教学(一 年实习)
BA (Hons) Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Including Year Abroad) 对外英语教学(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Therapeutic Care 治疗护理 BA (Hons) Therapeutic Care (Including Year Abroad) 治疗护理(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Tourism Management 旅游管理
BA (Hons) Tourism Management (Including Placement Year) 旅游管理(一年实习)
BA (Hons) Tourism Management (Including Year Abroad) 旅游管理(一年在海外)
BBA (Hons) Business Administration 工商管理
BBA (Hons) Business Administration (Including Placement Year) 工商管理( 一年实习)
BBA (Hons) Business Administration (Including Year Abroad) 工商管理( 一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Accounting 会计学
BSc (Hons) Accounting (Including Placement Year) 会计学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Accounting (Including Year Abroad) 会计学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance 会计与金融
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year) 会计与金 融(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad) 会计与金融( 一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Management 会计与管理
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Management (Including Placement Year) 会计与管理(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Management (Including Year Abroad) 会计与管理(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Economics 会计与经济学
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Economics (Including Placement Year) 会计与经济学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Economics (Including Year Abroad) 会计与经济学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Banking and Finance 银行与金融
BSc (Hons) Banking and Finance (Including Placement Year) 银行与金 融(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Banking and Finance (Including Year Abroad) 银行与金融(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Business Management 商业管理
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Including Placement Year) 商业管理(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Including Year Abroad) 商业管理(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Economics 经济学
BSc (Hons) Economics (Including Placement Year) 经济学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Economics (Including Year Abroad) 经济学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Mathematics 经济学与数学
BSc (Hons) Economics with Mathematics (Including Placement Year) 经济学与数学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) 经济学与数学(一年在海外)
Sc /BA(Hons) Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad) 经济学与心理学(一年在海外)
BSc /BA(Hons) Economics with Psychology (Including Placement Year) 经济学与心理学(一年实习)
BSc /BA(Hons) Economics with Psychology 经济学与心理学
BSc (Hons) Finance 金融学
BSc (Hons) Finance (Including Placement Year) 金融学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Finance (Including Year Abroad) 金融学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Financial Economics 金融经济学
BSc (Hons) Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) 金融经济 学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) 金融经济学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) International Business and Entrepreneurship 国际商务 与创业
BSc (Hons) International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Placement Year) 国际商务与创业(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Year Abroad) 国际商务与创业(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) International Economics 国际经济学
BSc (Hons) International Economics (Including Placement Year) 国际经济 学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) International Economics (Including Year Abroad) 国际经济学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Management and Marketing 管理与市场营销
BSc (Hons) Management and Marketing (Including Placement Year) 管理与市场营销(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Management and Marketing (Including Year Abroad) 管理与市场营销(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Management Economics 管理经济学
BSc (Hons) Management Economics (Including Placement Year) 管理经济学(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) 管理经济学(一年在海外)
BSc (Hons) Marketing 市场营销
BSc (Hons) Marketing (Including Placement Year) 市场营销(一年实习)
BSc (Hons) Marketing (Including Year Abroad) 市场营销(一年在海外)
A (Hons) American Studies (US) 美国研究(美国)
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) (Including Year Abroad) 美国研究(美国)(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) with Film 美国电影研究
BA (Hons) American Studies (US) with Film (Including Year Abroad) 美国电影研究(1年在海外)
BA (Hons) Criminology and American Studies 犯罪学与美国研究
BA (Hons) Criminology and American Studies (Including Year Abroad) 犯罪学与美国研究(一年在 海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与现代语言(一年 在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with French (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与法语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with German (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与德语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with Italian (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与意大利语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with Politics (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与政治(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) European Studies with Spanish (Including Year Abroad) 欧洲研究与西班牙语(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Global Studies 全球研究 BA (Hons) Global Studies (Including Year Abroad) 全球研究(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Global Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) 全球研究与现代语言(一年 在海外)
BA (Hons) Latin American Studies (Including Year Abroad) 拉丁美洲研究 (一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Latin American Studies with Business Management (Including Year Abroad) 拉丁美洲研 究与商业管理(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Latin American Studies with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) 拉丁美洲研究与人权(一年在海外)
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts 人文学
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad) 人文学(一年在海外)
Kaplan 国际学院 - 埃塞克斯大学本科预科课程入学要求
课程:本科 预科
开学日期:9月 / 1月
开学日期:10月 / 7月
开学日期:9月 / 6月
开学日期:4月 / 7月
开学日期:2月 / 6月
入学要求:高二完成均分80%; 高三完成均分75%
成功完成课程后衔接课程, 无需重考雅思:进入相应本科学位课程的第一年